Function: Hold 2D Lidar SICK LMS 100 or DataLogic Sentinel (lateral fitting).
It includes all the necessary accessories and fasteners for lateral mechanical attachment, such as Universal lateral mount.
Adapter for a variety of collaborative robot arms consisting of a ROBILE bridge holding the arm and a tray holding the controller box and a respective power adapter.
Powered by Blue Smart IP65 from Victron energy.
Nominal voltage: 24 V
Maximum output current: 13 A
Built-in Bluetooth for remote monitoring (Preset for ROBILE master battery)
ROBILE compatible connector and accessories.
Collaborative mobile robot consisting of a KELO ROBILE mobile base with 2 active and 2 passive wheels equipped with a collaborative robot arm DOBOT CR10
Collaborative mobile robot consisting of a KELO ROBILE mobile base with 2 active and 2 passive wheels equipped with a collaborative robot arm DOBOT CR3
Collaborative mobile robot consisting of a KELO ROBILE mobile base with 2 active and 2 passive wheels equipped with a collaborative robot arm DOBOT CR5